Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pre ride weigh in!

Got back from my buddies b-day party @ the bubble lounge in the city.
Turns out he also got engaged today. Congrats Raph!

Besides a few things to get in Vancouver (water, fuel, food) I am all
ready to go! I weighed everything before the flight tomorrow.

Bike + racks + spare parts + tools weighs in @ 49.4 lbs. Just under
the flight limit so hope my scale is accurate.

Camping gear, some food and clothes weighs in at 40.4 lbs. I feel
like this is a lot of weight, but I can't find much to jetison. Once
we are through the rainy states I'm hoping to switch out the tent for
a bivy and pair things down.

Things I learned today: it's a pain in the butt to fit your bike in a
bike box. I was able to get a bike box from the local chain reaction.
I hope I packed it correctly.

Vancouver here I come!

1 comment:

  1. hope you don't get too much extra weight from Scott and crew ;) - Danielle
