Thursday, September 30, 2010

Three Seconds

The from Santa Cruz to Big Sur is about 85 miles. It isn't very hilly,
but it is exposed and hot.

This was my worst day. I still couldn't eat. I was exhausted. I forced
down as much water as possible and it still wasn't enough.

Being slow is an understatement. We averaged < 10 mph. I'm not sure
what drove me on.

In wilderness survival training you learn the Rule of Threes.

You can survive for
3 weeks without food
3 days without water
3 hours without shelter
3 minutes without air
3 seconds without the will to continue

More of a simplified heuristic than a rule, but it outlines an
important point that the most important need for survival is the will
power to survive.

My will power was fading as my appitite decreased.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. But you made it and now you are in SLO and going strong!!! I'm so proud of you - I love you!
